Long-term Care Insurance

The Value of Long-term Care Insurance

As you age, you may need help with things you’ve always been able to do yourself – shopping for groceries, fixing meals, cleaning the house. You may also need help with personal services, like bathing, dressing, or taking medications. A long-term care insurance policy is designed to help you pay for these types of services.

Long-Term Care insurance may be right for you if:
  • You intend to remain in your home as long as possible – You value your independence and enjoy your home. You’re not planning to go anywhere…certainly not to a nursing home.
  • Family relationships are important – Your family means the world to you. You love spending time together and don’t want to do anything to jeopardize those cherished relationships.
  • You want to protect your retirement savings – You worked hard to plan for a comfortable retirement. Spending your life savings on long-term care services isn’t on your to-do list.

Want to learn more about Long-term Care Insurance?

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