About Me

Jeffrey J. Hoyt

I grew up in Traverse City, Michigan, and am the oldest of 5 children. My parents were both health care professionals. My father was an MD and my mother was an RN. Growing up made for some interesting conversations at the dinner table.

My first job out of college took me to St. Paul, MN. It was there that my wife and I at the time had our firstborn. Later, I was transferred to Chicago and there we had our second and last child. They are both young adults now. My daughter is married, lives in Waynesville, North Carolina, has her health & life insurance licenses, and is a member of our team. My son still resides in the Seattle area as do I. I’ve called the Northwest home for the past 20 years. In my spare time, my wife and I enjoy Argentine Tango. We also enjoy physical fitness, motorcycling, hiking, camping when we can find the time. She is a full-time occupational therapist, so our careers keep us very busy.


Mission Statement

To provide value through exceptional customer service and access to the absolute best insurance products available.

Value Statements

  • Give the best effort to customers – everyday
  • Care about clients and my company’s collective success
  • Always do what is best for the client
  • Take ownership of short comings, consider them opportunities to learn, grow and server clients
  • Respond quickly to all requests
  • Respect all people as equals
  • Consistently look for ways to improve
  • Strive to be a trusted business partner

Jeffrey shops over 100 different companies for your best offer.

Life Insurance Carriers